Read our latest European JM article: Show
Me the Money: Improving our Understanding of How Organizations Generate
Return from Technology-Led-Marketing Change HERE.
Marketing practice is increasingly shaped through the application of new
technology, including customer relationship marketing (CRM) software,
social media, analytics and search, with organizations investing heavily
in these technologies. Yet, surprisingly, empirically grounded research
continues to question the profitability of IT-led marketing
initiatives. If this is true, why do companies continue to make such
investments? To explore this question, contrasted marketing and IS
scholarship on the impact of CRM investment on financial performance. We
find that whilst both try to determine what generates return, the IS
community has a broader epistemological framework that allows it to
understand better how benefits are realized. By marrying the what and
the why, we demonstrate how organizations can generate great returns from technology-led-marketing.
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