Le nuove tecnologie hanno alterato per sempre il modo in cui il cliente vive il mondo della Moda e del Lusso stimolando un processo che ha ridimensionato la centralità del prodotto e dello stile a favore di un’espansione dell’esperienza di fruizione e di relazione con la marca. In altre parole, il cliente è ora collocato al centro di “regole del gioco” diverse, con un paradigma nuovo, che molte aziende di questa filiera devono ancora al meglio interpretare, utilizzare, valorizzare.
Oltre il CRM esplora questo paradigma e illustra come aziende leader della Moda e del Lusso (nell’area prodotti e servizi) abbiano saputo, non solo implementare progetti efficaci di Customer Relationship Management (CRM), ma anche sperimentare e trarre vantaggio competitivo dal nuovo scenario di mercato e dalle tecnologie innovative dell’era digitale. Ecco da qui aprirsi l’offerta per i clienti, di una Customer Experience, una dimensione e un’esperienza di acquisto nuove, differenzianti e strategicamente vincenti.
Prof. Dr. Phil Klaus, Quo vadis, customer experience?
Creare strategie di successo; La "visione d'impresa" della customer experience; La storia si evolve; Le sfide; Il business case per la customer experience; Il potere dei sistemi di misurazione; Quo vadis, customer experience?; Le tecnologie digitali; Le sfide come opportunità.
Beyond CRM - Customer Experience in the Digital Era. Strategies, Best Practices, Scenarios in Fashion and Luxury
So-called “new” technologies have altered forever the way in which customers experience the world of fashion and luxury. Product and style, traditionally center-stage, have conceded to the experiential dimensions of brand experience and interaction. The client sets the rules of the game, and for companies and brands, the playing has gotten rough. The recent economic downturn, which has affected the fashion and luxury sector heavily, and the rise of digital media have exacerbated these changes and called for new customer-oriented marketing paradigms.
In this market scenario, winning brands are the ones which are able to offer a differentiated, consistent and value-driven Customer Experience, and to leverage information technologies and digital tools along the entire value chain. Beyond CRM aims to illustrate how some fashon and luxury companies (products and services) are indeed leading the way by leveraging both effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies and experimenting with, and drawing competitive advantage from, innovative digital technologies, from design to distribution and beyond.
The themes explored in the book have been mentioned in publications in Italy and abroad but to date none have specifically focussed on the current and future scenarios of the fashion and luxury sector; Beyond CRM is the first in the Italian language to explore the subject matter in its complexity. It will be appreciated by professionals and fashion, luxury and technology aficionados, as well as consultants, teachers and students.
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